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온라인안전보건교육시스템은 정보의 정확성과 효율성을 위해 아래 전산시스템과 연동을 통해 주기적으로 최신정보로 업데이트 되도록 설계되었습니다.
- 인사정보시스템 : 연구활동종사자 정보
- 공간관리시스템 : 연구실정보, 상시연구활동종사자 정보, 관리대상기자재 정보

연구실정보나 관리대상기자재 정보를 자동으로 업데이트 되지 않게 하기 위해서는 Lock기능을 설정해야 합니다.

Safety&Health Education
About Safety&Health Education
    • - Article 31 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Annex 1 of the Enforcement Decree, Annex 8 of the Enforcement Rules and Appendix 8 2
    • - All employees of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute.
Industrial Safety and Health Education and Training Hours
Course Target Time
Regular Education Office work 3 hours or longer/quarter
Workers other than office workers Workers directly involved in sales work 3 hours or longer/quarter
Workers other than those directly involved in sales work 6 hours or longer/quarter
People with the authority to manage or supervise 16 hours or longer
Education at employment Daily workers 1 hour or longer
Workers except daily workers 8 hour or longer
Education when the work is changed Daily workers 1 hour or longer
Workers except daily workers 2 hours or longer
Special education Daily workers engaged in a work described in Item D of Subparagraph 1 of Attached Table 8-2 2 hours or longer
Workers except daily workers, engaged in a work described in Item D of Subparagraph 1 of Attached Table 8-2

-16 or longer (Four hours or longer before the (initial) work and the remaining 12 hours can be divided for three months)

-2 hours or longer in case of short-term work or intermittent work

Validity Period of Completion
    • - Validity period of a certificate of completion (After the validity period, the safety education course needs to be taken again.)
Select Language, Select Course, Take Course, Solve Question (more than 60 points), Print Certificate of Completion